Tell Congress: Replace NAFTA with a trade deal that protects people, not polluters!

For too long, our trade deals have benefited corporate polluters at the expense of workers and the environment. As the United States, Canada, and Mexico negotiate NAFTA’s replacement, we have a timely opportunity to lay out our demands and influence our members of Congress, who will have the final say on any deal. 

Now is the time for Congress to call for NAFTA to be rewritten in support of workers and the environment. Unless we act, Trump’s climate-denying NAFTA agenda could lock in his polluting legacy for decades. 

Leading members of Congress including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, and the Congressional Progressive Caucus already have released platforms for a “People First” NAFTA replacement. Among their demands are more transparent negotiations, binding labor and environmental standards, support for climate action, and a deal that benefits communities across borders.

Tell your member of Congress to demand a NAFTA replacement that puts people and the planet first!

People & Planet


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