Tell UNESCO: Protect our World Heritage Sites from Fossil Fuels!

The Great Barrier Reef, the Sundarbans mangrove forest, and Kenya's Lamu Island -- these World Heritage Sites are just a few of the world's treasures that are now threatened by dirty fossil fuel projects.

In Australia, a proposal to open one of the world's largest coal mines in the country's interior would result in a massive expansion of coal shipments through the Great Barrier Reef, home to the world's largest coral reef system and endangered marine life like the large green turtle.

The Sundarbans in Bangladesh is home to one of the world's largest mangrove forests, an impressive network of tidal waterways, and endangered species including the Bengal Tiger. But the Rampal coal plant threatens to disrupt the region, polluting the air and leading to millions of tons of coal being shipped through this sensitive ecosystem.

Kenya's Lamu Island includes the oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa. Lamu Old Town continues to be an important site for the study of Swahili and Islamic cultures, with its unique architecture and narrow winding streets. A large coal plant proposed just 15 miles from the old city now threatens this important cultural landmark.

We must protect the world's cherished places from fossil fuels. UNESCO has a special responsibility to take bold action. It can build public awareness to the threat posed by fossil fuel development by adding these sites to the List of World Heritage Sites in Danger.

Tell UNESCO: Protect our World Heritage Sites. Give "in danger" designation to sites threatened by fossil fuel projects.

World Heritage Sites


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